Stephane Humbert Lucas Paris


is a field of expression for its creator and a way for him to free his artistic sensibility and his overflowing creativity where no marketing concessions are welcome.

Each creation starts with a blank canvas where touches of colour, musical notes,
poetry and images will be progressively inscribed.

The permanent inspiration drawn from painting, literature and music sets the tone and imposes a selection of the most beautiful raw materials of fine perfumery.
The process can finally begin. Both the harmony and the roughness are beautifully confronted as a result of the creator’s need to place perfumery as a major art.

Synesthete Parisian Perfumer

Painter and poet, Stephane Humbert Lucas studied painting in the South of France with a Flemish master and specialised in the tempera technique where he was obsessed with the combination of pigments and their texture.

Convinced that every colour had a scent, he discovered his synethesia, a perceptual phenomenon in which the stimulation of his sight simultaneously triggers his sense of smell at the same time.
Mixing colours was then a way to master new and unique scents.

“I don’t invent scents, I rearrange them and invite them to combine,
I’m a matchmaker, a couturier of the invisible.
Yet, I ‘see’ my fragrances, each material, each accord vibrate with colours
and sometimes these colours emit a sound.
I don’t invent smell, like I neither invent pink nor indigo, they are present in our unconscious.
I ask them to live together, to be as beautiful as the other, they are my harmony.”