Wardé is…generosity.
Wardé is a flower that gives; generous as all flowers are.
Flowers can be beautiful; Wardé is beauty.
Flowers give us food; Wardé is existence.
Flowers are used for emotions; Wardé is symbolic.
Flowers give us so much; Wardé is generosity in a fragrance.

Wardé is a reflection of the beauty of abundance, prosperity, and richness.

The brightest light glows from within,
A vibrant echo of inner warmth and joy,
Emitting a captivating beacon of hope and illumination.

Fiddah, an Arabic word, represents silver in both hue and substance. Silver’s ethereal shimmer, embodying the essence of receptivity, mirrors a serene harmony of inner wisdom. Revered for its resplendent glow, akin to the moon, it serves as a spiritual compass, masterfully blending feminine intuition with masculine logic. These attributes, deep emotional resonance, intellectual balance, and a captivating aura of mystery, are not just compelling but irresistibly attractive, lending silver a magnetic allure that transcends the ordinary.